Beryl Area

14 kboepd (2023 production)

Production from the Beryl Area averaged 14 kboepd during 2023 (2022: 11 kboepd). Higher production in 2023 was driven by improved operational uptime and strong performance from two new wells, Storr-3 and Buckland South West, online in the first half of the year. However, production on a full year basis was impacted by the operator’s decision to defer the subsea and platform drilling campaigns in response to the introduction of the EPL in the UK. Discussions are ongoing with the operator and the regulator with regards to future drilling and other investment opportunities to maximise economic recovery from the area.

Beryl - 39.4% non-operated

The field was developed in three phases. The first two phases developed the oil reserves using a large concrete platform (Beryl Alpha) in the south of the field, together with a smaller steel platform (Bravo) to the North.

A separate riser platform bridge-linked to Beryl Alpha was installed in 1990 to deal with the third gas phase.

The Beryl Area consists of Beryl and the following fields:
Buckland - 37.5%
Callater - 45.0%
Ness - 39.4%
Nevis - 39.0-49.0%
Skene - 34%
Storr - 41.0%